You're sipping your morning coffee, you open your phone,  pop a piece of content onto your socials and watch it work it's client attraction magic ... or just leave it and let it do it's thing while you get to serving all the clients your content is attracting.

 No more feeling like you're wasting your time waiting, or wondering if your content will ever attract qualified leads.

Because you've mastered your message and the art of story-selling and you know how to position your content to do the selling for you.

Well ... I've got good news.

There's a strategy for that and I have it packaged up waiting for you on behind the next screen.

After years and years of creating content, growing large audiences and attracting thousands of clients, I've figured out exactly what to put into you content and what to leave out.

Annnnnd if you've already been creating content consistently, you're probably only a few strategic tweaks away from clients lining up at your inbox door.

Turn YOUR story into just 7 key pieces of client attracting content then use the power of AI to turn it into hundreds more.

If you've got a story to tell, an offer to sell and a burning desire to attract more clients through your content, then this program is designed for you.


Bite size actionable AUDIO trainings
(20 minutes or less delivered via audio recording)

Instant access

Lifetime access to replays

You're sipping your morning coffee, you open your phone,  pop a piece of content onto your socials and watch it work it's client attraction magic ... or just leave it and let it do it's thing while you get to serving all the clients your content is attracting.

  No more feeling like you're wasting your time waiting, or wondering if your content will ever attract qualified leads.  

Because you've mastered your message and the art of story-selling and you know how to position your content to do the selling for you.  

Well ... I've got good news.  

There's a strategy for that and I have it packaged up waiting for you on behind the next screen.  

After years and years of creating content, growing large audiences and attracting thousands of clients, I've figured out exactly what to put into you content and what to leave out.  

Annnnnd if you've already been creating content consistently, you're probably only a few strategic tweaks away from clients lining up at your inbox door. 

Turn YOUR story into 7 key pieces of client attracting content then use the power of AI to turn it into hundreds more. If you've got a story to tell, an offer to sell and a burning desire to attract more clients through your content, then this program is designed for you.

Your Story + Psychology Of Sales + AI

Bite size actionable AUDIO trainings 
(20 minutes or less delivered via audio recording)

 Instant access  

Lifetime access to replays

Kinda, but it's OK if you haven't dialled it all the way in ... The better you know your niche, the faster your content will convert.

But if you're playing in a few different niches or you're still unclear on your exact messaging, we'll be spending the first few days getting to know your clients better so we can position your content to convert faster. 

Nope, you don't need an audience for this to work ... but it will help you grow one if you want one. 

It will help you attract ready to buy clients and start conversations with the right people.

The content we're going to create together is designed to help you pre-sell & pre-qualify leads so that you can make faster sales.

The strategies I use are based on the psychology of sales, however this program won't teach you to close sales. 

AI is a great tool to help amplify content, but I don't personally advocate for AI writing your core content ... because it's simply not as good as you are at writing original content.

In this course, I'll share exactly how to create 7 types of original content that captures you and your brand essence and share how to use AI to turn those pieces into hundreds more. 

Instant Access Delivered Straight To Your Inbox

Fast Action Trainings  

Short daily actionable audio trainings under 20 minutes so you can listen & implement at anytime.
Your Message Mastered

Find the words to describe exactly what you do, how you do it and who you help get what results while doing it. ... In a to the point, succinct way.
Your Story Sold

Tell YOUR personal brand story in a way that produces endless streams of content without diluting your brand message or sounding like it's stuck on repeat.
Lifetime Access To Replays

So you can re-listen, re-watch & create hundreds of pieces of content over and over again.

Sophie Bee is the Founder of Bee Magnetic Marketing & Co-Founder of Consistent Cash & Clients, the high-value, low-ticket coaching program that has no upsell.

Her mission is to bring accessibility back to the coaching industry and empower more people to build businesses that align with their personal values.    

Through her own personal visibility challenges due to a difficult divorce, Sophie has a unique perspective on storytelling and understands the importance of speaking from personal truth & safety. She stands firmly against narcissistic marketing and uses her signature strategies to help entrepreneurs create businesses that attract the most aligned clients.  

Sophie's clients have gone on to grow large audiences, speak confidently on virtual stages and attract flows of clients using her attraction marketing and launch systems. 

Sophie Bee is the Founder of Cakebox, an online marketing agency & Co-Founder of Consistent Cash & Clients, the high-value, low-ticket coaching program that has no upsell.  Her mission is to bring accessibility back to the coaching industry and empower more people to build businesses that align with their personal values.

     Through her own personal visibility challenges due to a difficult divorce, Sophie has a unique perspective on storytelling and understands the importance of speaking from personal truth & safety. She stands firmly against narcissistic marketing and uses her signature strategies to help entrepreneurs create businesses that attract the most aligned clients.    

Sophie's clients have gone on to grow large audiences, speak confidently on virtual stages and attract flows of clients using her attraction marketing and launch systems.