Launch Your Next Online Course Or Program 
       With A Content Strategy That Attracts Your Best Clients

Launch Your Next Online Course Or Program With A Content Strategy That Attracts Your
Best Clients

You're a coach, course creator or service provider with a program, membership or offer  that you want to sell to many people.

 Maybe you've tried to launch before and it didn't go the way you expected it to.  

Or maybe you made a few sales, but you found yourself resorting to DM'ing countless strangers or sitting on endless sales calls with naysayers to sign them.

 You know there is a way to attract clients through your content on social media using content, because you've seen others do it ... but you can't quite figure out how those coaches or course creators are doing it.  

Well, I can tell you EXACTLY how they're doing it because I am one of those coaches.  

Over the last 4 years, I have launched over 2000 clients into low & high ticket courses & programs and I've done it all through content that uses storytelling & the psychology of sales (which I post to small to mid size audiences).  

But better than that, over the last 2 years, I've been sharing my 21 day launch strategy with my private clients who have bee getting some WILD results.  

From hundreds of masterclass participants to 25k weeks, to 55k launches, my clients have been predictably using my launch strategy to fill their businesses with clients they LOVE working with.  

And now I'm sharing that strategy with you inside Get Launched, Content Camp.

You're a coach, course creator or service provider with a program, membership or offer that you want to sell to many people.

  Maybe you've tried to launch before and it didn't go the way you expected it to.    

Or maybe you made a few sales, but you found yourself resorting to DM'ing countless strangers or sitting on endless sales calls with naysayers to sign them.  

You know there is a way to attract clients through your content on social media using content, because you've seen others do it ... but you can't quite figure out how those coaches or course creators are doing it.    

Well, I can tell you EXACTLY how they're doing it because I am one of those coaches.    

Over the last 4 years, I have launched over 2000 clients into low & high ticket courses & programs and I've done it all through content that uses client journey messaging, storytelling & the psychology of sales (which I post to small to mid size audiences).    

But better than that, over the last 2 years, I've been sharing my 21 day launch strategy with my private clients who have been getting some WILD results.    

From hundreds of masterclass participants to multi-five figure launches, my clients have been predictably using my launch strategy to generate organic leads and fill their businesses with clients they LOVE working with.    

And now I'm sharing that strategy with you inside Get Launched, Content Camp.

Heck Yeah, I'm Ready

  • You're a coach, course creator or service provider
  • You have an offer to sell
  • You have a good idea who your ideal client is
  • You're ready to get visible & create better content 
  • You're coachable and open to feedback

Nah, This Isn't For Me

  • You're launching a physical product
  • You're brand new or don't have an offer to sell
  • You don't want to create written or video content
  • You're looking for low effort, high reward
  • You don't want to implement anything you learn

3 - Day Workshop

Your Launch Plan

Every successful launch starts with a vision & a plan. In this session I will share my tried and tested launch strategy and help you map out your own launch plan.

 We'll cover everything from your brand assets, your timeframe and how to stay on track.

In this session you will find:


Your Message

Successful launches have strong, clear messages that speak LOUD and CLEAR to your ideal clients wants and wishes.

On day two we'll be diving into your unique message and position you as the authority so your clients KNOW you're the one to help them.

In this section you will build  


Your Content Plan

In this session I will share my strategy for pre-launching, launching and closing a launch with 21 days of content.

We'll uncover your unique content creation style & delve deep into the psychology of creating connected content that inspires action.  

In this section you will build  


Get Launched will give you a 21 day launch strategy & content plan to help you attract & pre-sell your course, membership or program to high quality leads.

If you're looking to build a group offer, magnetic funnel or sell to your leads, please ask about my Bee Magnetic offer suite. 

This workshop will work best if you have at least 500-1000 people following you on at least one social platform.

However ... If you don't yet have an audience,  this strategy can also be used to grow a following. 

Great content creators use their unique voice to stand out ... so everything I teach inside the program is designed to help you find your own voice.

But ...

I get that templates, like training wheels can be super helpful, so although there are no drag and drop or fill in the blank templates inside, I have created frameworks and give lots of examples to follow.

The event will take place live on Zoom and will be streamed into a private Facebook group.

Lifetime access to replays will also be available. 

Both general and VIP will get access to the private Facebook group, live sessions and lifetime replays.

VIP will get access to a private Voxer chat for 5 days + 1x45min one-on-one call where I will personally help you map out your next launch, audit & give feedback on your content.

June 25th - 27th 2024

Live On Zoom 10 - 11amEST
(Replays available)

Get Launched Private Facebook group

Get Launched Workshop

  • 21 Day Launch Strategy
  • Master Your Message
  • Position Your Authority
  • Create Your Content Plan
  • 3 LIVE Group Sessions

Get Launched VIP

  • Everything included in Get Launched Workshop
  • 1:1 Content Audit Call
  • 5 Days Voxer Support
  • Personal Content Review

Sophie Bee is an Attraction Marketing Coach who empowers Impact Driven women to create financial stability without narcissistic sales tactics by effectively monetizing their stories

From single mom to entrepreneur during  a global pandemic,  Sophie repositioned her stay at home skills and colourful family court system experience to help women turn their messes into their messages.

In overcoming emotional, financial & legal abuse, Sophie has a unique perspective on storytelling and understands the importance of being able to create safety when attracting clients through content. She stands firmly against narcissistic marketing and uses her signature strategies to help entrepreneurs to use their own personal stories to create safe spaces  to attract clients online.

Sophie’s clients have gone on to grow large audiences, speak out confidently on virtual stages and attract clients using her attraction marketing systems.